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OPAF 2021 update

After a promising start to 2020, we were hit with the Coronavirus epidemic. This is proving to be a real trial for all of us but it is necessary to listen to the Governments instructions along with the guidance of Public Health England and our local health providers. We will have a vaccine probably many vaccines and treatments, but it will take time and effort so once again patience is a virtue.

For ourselves, we have to be vigilant, we are the person responsible for our care, as no one else knows more than we do about what we need or how fit and healthy we are. In this lockdown, many of our past social connections are suspended face to face and are effectively prevented by the Authorities!

Now we can rejoice in the ever-present TECH. Mothers, Fathers, Brothers Sisters Aunts, Uncles, Friends and Colleagues are just a click away - not quite the same - but certainly better than nothing. Zoom calls across the globe are now a common event.

Isolation is a big problem for us all, along with other ‘horsemen’ loneliness - be brave if you are on your own and feeling down - make a call list and work through it. This can be extremely rewarding. There are groups in RBWM with whom you can talk.

This year OPAF welcomes Councillor Greg Jones as an OPAF member and also a co-opted member of the OPAF Steering Group. Through him, we are pursuing how the voice of older people can be more regularly heard in the various forums held by RBWM.

2020 has been a tough learning curve for all the public sector workers - NHS, POLICE, FORCES, Local Authorities, Thank you all so very, very much.

OPAF has not been able to hold public meetings or its Annual General Meeting this year but the existing Steering Group members hold Zoom meetings to keep in touch with matters related to the interests of older persons in the Borough.  We shall be back with you as soon as we can in 2021. In the meantime Stay Safe