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2021-04-27 Healthwatch -

What Matters Most: Press Release

Healthwatch East Berkshire covers Ascot, Bracknell Forest, Maidenhead, Slough and Windsor. We exist to listen to residents’ voices when it comes to their health and social care experiences and views.

To better understand the community’s health and social care needs across East Berkshire, we have created our ‘What Matters Most’ survey. The survey will help us understand residents’ views and experiences as well as their health priorities for 2021-2022. The survey will provide us with a foundation of information to use for future work, as well as a chance to capture residents feedback (good or not so good). We take this feedback to decision-makers who have the power to make positive changes happen. 

Our work relies on people telling us what they like about health and social care services, and what they think could be improved. We need your help to do this by completing the survey linked below. If you, or someone you know, need support when completing the survey please call our Healthwatch Hub on 0300 0120184 (Weekdays between 10am-4pm). The survey is available in English, Polish, Punjabi and Urdu.

What Matters Most survey: What Matters Most (

We are keen to engage with all communities across East Berkshire to gain an accurate picture of how health and social care services are performing for individuals. To do this we kindly ask for you to share it amongst your friends, colleagues, and family members so that we can reach as many people as possible. The more people we reach, the better idea we have of where to focus our priorities.

The ‘What Matters Most’ survey is running until the end of April and we will be compiling our report in May. Once this report is available, it will be published on our website and shared with key stakeholders.